Wednesday, 3 July 2013

Autocomplete JQuery

Auto-complete JQuery:

The Auto-complete widgets provides suggestions while you type into the field. if user want to find any thing then at the time typing this jQuery will give suggest option which user want to find.

This is auto complete functionality, it is very useful in our project.


  jQuery UI Autocomplete - Default functionality

Here "availableTags" variable has all data, if you have data then you can use any way and it will display auto complete result when you type some thing. 

Auto-complete with selected character JQuery:

For Demo: Just Copy below code and create html file, paste all code and run then you can see demo.


After seeing how GMail made its auto-complete, I took the idea and implemented my own version of the auto-complete control. Auto-complete textbox control:
  • Timeout: 3000ms
  • Deliminator: ; and ,
  • Options: ('an apple','alligator','elephant','pear','kingbird','kingbolt', 'kingcraft','kingcup','kingdom','kingfisher','kingpin')
It's Running Jquery

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